(Oops, I did it again, last post first, first post last, I'll get it, I swear.) Jevin was really the first born child. This is Kaylee Bug. She turned 3 in November. She is our little darling that was born with the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis. She had one heck of a start to life, but I will do another post about that so you can get to know her life story, it's quite the story...stay tuned!

I couldn't get Jevin's kindergarten pic to post, so this will have to do for now. Jevin will be 6 in a few days, 13 to be exact. He can do back flips on the tramp, on a bed , or from the couch to a pile of pillows. He has A LOT of energy and is VERY athletic. He is compact in size and has been since birth! Sizing in at 5 lbs 15 oz and 17" long. He is not small, just compact and solid.
So am I the best sister or what!?! The first to comment on all your posts...that's just the kind of person I am:0) K, I am so excited you decided to enter the blogging world. I will be able to see my cutest niece and nephew all the time! Love ya Poodle
Altee how fun you have started a blog. So I was talking to Kevin the other day telling him what is going on in my life and he either mentioned it or I had heard it somewhere else that you are going through the same thing. Not sure if that is still your situation or not, but if you need someone to go out with and get your mind off things, I could use the same thing. Let me know and I hope everything is going ok for you.
WTF(what the freak) When did you plan on tellin me about this little blog you started??? I only talk to you all the time!
Well I'm loving it! i love your cutie kids, Sadie & Ellie are going to love seeing them on here! Whew whew!! We miss you guys! Ellie asked if you guys could come and play this week...I told her a 3 days drive for you, ummm not gunna happen! Love ya Lady lou!!!
Hey Altee, I saw Miss Kaylee perform at the recital last night. Yay! You left before the 8 million hour long event was over so I wasn't able to talk to you - or I just couldn't find you or Carly. I was there to watch my niece Kaitie and was pleasantly surprised with a gig by Kaylee. Take Care... glad you have a blog.
Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! I saw a link to you on DeAnn's blog roll. yay! Now I can see pictures of you and your family. :)
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